Pregnancy; Why Do Mothers-to-Be Rave About Chiropractic?

We love treating pregnant women in our Folsom & El Dorado Hills chiropractic clinic.  It’s such a beautiful experience but at the same time can be very stressful (and painful) on the mothers body.  We get a lot of satisfaction helping pregnant mothers through this time helping to relieve the discomfort that occurs thr0ugh pregnancy.

Folsom & El Dorado Hills Chiropractic & PregnancyPregnancy is a very dynamic time for a woman’s body. There are mass amounts of hormonal changes happening that impact emotions, behaviors, and physical structures. The human body

does a lot to compensate for the new life growing inside for up to nine months. And not only that, but more changes have to occur to get that baby out! A lot of stress can go along with these changes and getting your nervous system regularly checked by your chiropractor can greatly reduce both the physical and mental stress placed on you.

Everyone wants to have a safe, easy pregnancy and birth.

Because your body goes through so many rapid changes during the nine months you carry
your baby, it is imperative that along the way, you make sure everything is working as it should.
During pregnancy, your body releases a hormone called relaxin, which works to make your
ligaments more flexible. This allows the pelvis to open up as the baby comes through the birth
canal. Because the ligaments are more flexible, it is easier to become subluxated, placing
unnecessary stress on the nervous system. This can lead to things such as low back pain, and
discomfort. Think about it, carrying an extra 15-20 pounds out in front of you puts a very large
strain on your low back. Your chiropractor will keep the motion and stability in your joints so that
you can focus on your pregnancy and not on your pain.

Besides low back pain, what can my chiropractor help me with during my pregnancy?

Chiropractic care has been shown to reduce labor time and decrease the likelihood of needing
painkillers during delivery. In addition, many pregnant women suffer from things such as carpal
tunnel syndrome, excessive morning sickness, high blood pressure, round ligament syndrome,
and gestational diabetes while pregnant. By removing all interference of your nervous system,
your body is better able to adapt to all the changes of pregnancy.

What if my baby is breech? Can I still get adjusted?

Yes! Chiropractic care is extremely effective at turning breech babies (baby’s head is pointed
up instead of down) into the correct position to pass through the birth canal. A lot of times, a
pregnant woman with a breech baby can be subluxated in her pelvis, preventing the fetus from
turning into the correct position. Your body is intelligent and will always move towards health
when free from interference!

What else can I do to have a healthy pregnancy?

  • Get checked by your chiropractor
  • Talk to your chiropractor about taking omega 3 supplements to enhance fetal
  • development
  • Stay active
  • Eat good, healthy food that supports you and your baby’s nutritional needs
  • Avoid caffeine, artificial sweeteners, processed foods, alcohol, and trans fats
  • Have a birth plan
  • Consider having a doula at your birth (birth coach)
  • Talk to your baby
  • Visualize your ideal birth

Above all, enjoy the time you have with your child and appreciate the miraculous process your
body is taking you through!

Dr. Judd Lowrey is a Folsom & El Dorado Hills Chiropractor and business owner of Lowrey Chiropractic.

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