Stress – How to Adapt
Stress affects all of us. So why is it that stress can make some people sick and others can cope without a problem? It all depends on how well you can adapt to the stress in your life. Did you know t hat 75%- 90% of visits to the doctor are due to stress related complaints or illnesses? Just imagine that if stress was eliminated from society, how much healthier we would all be. Unfortunately, stress will always be in your life, even when you are not aware of it.
Your body is experiencing stress all the time, from the lack of sleep you got last night to the greasy breakfast sandwich you had this morning and it continues throughout your day. Stress can be as subtle as a thought that gives you anxiety or as severe as being in an auto collision. The key to staying healthy is in how well your body can adapt to stress.
Signs and Symptoms of Stress
- Continually late to appointments
- Withdraw from conversations
- Reduced productivity, especially at work
- Depression
- Low morale
- Increased negativity
- Argumentative
- Short temper
- Substance abuse
- Sleep disturbances
- Poor eating habits
- Persistent physical complaints
- Tired all the time
How is Chiropractic Care Going to Alleviate My Stress?
As mentioned before, you can take steps to reduce your stress, but rarely can you eliminate it.
Chiropractic care gives you the ability to adapt to the stress in your life so that it doesn’t consume you.
Your nervous system is what tells your body to either “fight” or “flight” in stressful situations.
This is a very intelligent feature in your design. However, when you are constantly in this state of high stress, your body gets taxed beyond what it can handle, your immunity decreases, and you get sick. Also during times of high stress, your blood pressure increases, your digestion slows down, and you produce stress hormones that continue to circulate in your bloodstream.
Your chiropractor will check your nervous system for any interference, and if found remove it. This
allows your body to be in a fight or flight state for short periods of time while stressed and then return
back to a more relaxed state. You should expect changes in your sleep patterns, appetite, energy levels, and mood, just to name a few.
What Are Other Ways to Reduce Stress?
- Massage therapy
- Breath deeply
- Get adequate sleep
- Do something you enjoy
- Get a hobby
- Spend time with family or friends
- Restful music
- Play an instrument
- Play sports
- Exercise
- Eat a healthy diet
There are thousands of things that can help reduce your stress, but if you can’t adapt first, it
may be an uphill battle. Get checked by your chiropractor on a regular basis to make sure you
are free from nervous system interference and able to adapt to your life in the fullest capacity!