Posts Tagged ‘back pain’

Feel Better in 2012: Strategies for Health and Wellness in the New Year!

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

The New Year is here, and thoughts naturally turn to resolutions and self-improvement. For some this means curtailing high fat foods and returning to the gym. For others, January is the time to start a comprehensive wellness plan to have a healthy, pain-free year.

Chiropractic care can be a vital component to a healthy lifestyle along with the following five New Year’s strategies that will enable you to reduce the chance of painful injuries.

1.       Don’t carry a heavy briefcase, backpack, or purse with the strap over one shoulder, unless placing the strap over your head on the side opposite the bag. Carrying a bag on one shoulder places uneven weight on one side of your body which can cause both back and shoulder pain.

2.       Make an effort to keep moving while at work and take periodic stretch breaks.

3.       Don’t lift heavy objects over your head which can strain muscles and damage nerves.

4.       Don’t turn your torso while lifting heavy objects.

5.       Don’t consistently cross the same leg over the other which can lead to spine misalignment.

By taking these five steps, you can go a long way towards preventing back, shoulder, and neck pain and injury. This translates directly into having to take less pain medication.

The reality is that over the counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can negatively affect your long-term health in a variety of ways.

NSAIDs are a leading cause of stomach ulcers and gastric bleeds. This is particularly true for certain age groups.

They can damage kidneys. According to a New England Journal of Medicine article, up to 10% of all kidney failure was a result of the abuse of NSAIDs such as Advil and Tylenol.

And, the biggest risk for those taking large doses of pain medications is liver damage. This is especially true for those consuming large quantities of acetaminophen. Unfortunately, about 1/3 of the individuals who overdose on acetaminophen didn’t understand the risks before taking more than the recommended amount.

Finally, rebound pain is a common, yet often under-reported symptom of taking NSAIDs. The nervous system continues to generate pain when an individual takes these over-the-counter medications. Thus, pain medications may even contribute to someone getting hooked or addicted.

While there are situations when pain medication makes sense, it’s important to understand the risks and know the alternatives. One alternative to managing pain and taking medication is chiropractic care.  At Lowrey Chiropractic, we have the training and experience to manage both acute and chronic pain. If you’re ready to start 2012 out right – free from pain, give us a call today. You’ll be glad that you did!

Sciatica: Difficult to Diagnose, Simple to Treat

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

Pain can come in many forms but one of the worst forms of discomfort can originate from disruption of the sciatic nerve. The relentless pain that is felt along the sciatic nerve is medically described as “sciatica”. This nerve, which is the widest and longest in the body, runs from the lower back, through the buttocks and down the back of each leg.  The function of the nerve is to provide sensation to the thighs, legs, and feet, and it also controls the calf muscles.

Sciatica is a description of symptoms as opposed to a diagnosis of what may be irritating the sciatic nerve which in turn gives rise to the pain.  It is a rather common form of lower back and leg discomfort but what is often misunderstood is that the condition tends to result from general wear and tear on lower spine structures. Some medical professionals falsely interpret this wear and tear as injury-related, when, in fact, it’s a nerve issue.

The most common symptom is a pain that spreads out along the path of the sciatic nerve, beginning with the lower back and extending down one leg. However, there are many other symptoms too, and these can vary widely depending on the exact point at which the sciatic nerve becomes affected. Some sufferers may experience a mild tingling sensation or achiness, while others may feel sharp pain one side of their body. The frequently described pins-and-needles sensation is a common symptom, too, and is usually felt in the foot or toes. Sciatica pain typically begins slowly then gradually becomes unbearable with sudden involuntary actions such as sneezing or coughing bringing on severe pain.

Most sciatica sufferers often respond well to sciatica chiropractic treatment in its various forms. But, it’s important to note that sciatica is a symptom and not a medical condition. Sciatica treatment plans will vary according to the underlying causes of the pain. The American Chiropractic Association (AMA) recommends a non-invasive, drug-free treatment option to ease the pain of sciatica. .  Once there is a full examination, there will be a recommendation of an effective sciatica treatment program that should quickly have you functioning normally again. Treatments may include a combination of electric muscle stimulation, specialized stretching, low back adjustments, and muscle therapies including myofascial release and trigger point therapy to quickly reduce and eliminate pain and get you back on your feet.

To learn more about treatment of sciatica or to schedule an evaluation, please contact us today!